This Event Is Free...
The Black Card Event Black History Month Networking Party
The Salute to Greatness...
2014 Living Legacy Awards
February 27, 2014
Policy 1904 14th Street
6pm to 10Pm
Celebrating the culture, history, heritage and accomplishments of the African-American business community
Celebrate Black History Month with an African themed networking party in the city. Come and meet up with old friends, make new friends & network with other professionals, entrepreneurs & business owners.
Golden One Minute
Attendees with this interest will have the opportunity to talk for 60 seconds to the rest of the guests about who they are, what they do & why they came to the event.
Speed Networking Session
This is designed to allow people the chance to network, share ideas with like-minded people in a series of short 3 minutes meetings. Come and experience a great way of meeting new people & making friends with over 15 people in face to face 3 minutes mini meetings.
Informal Networking
Opportunity to exchange business cards, information, further develop your relationship and many more.
Party Time
For those who attend the networking party, you will get the chance to stay on & join the Old Skool Party, for FREE and dance the night away till 10pm!
*Take advantage for of the 1 day only promo that enables you to buy the black card and get an ad spot free
Please Note: This Networking event will be running from 6pm to 10pm thereafter we want people to arrive early to fully participate in the event. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment.